B2B Banking Case Study

For this project Odyssiant helped RBS implement a Buyer Journey Mapping marketing strategy to create highly engaged customer relationships for the enterprise scale asset management products (B2B). This project proved that this new approach has significant benefits for creating long-lasting relationships with prospects while reducing costs associated with traditional campaigns.

Inbound Content Marketing was put into place with one goal: To create outstanding results compared to traditional methods of campaign development and execution. Traditional campaigning is ineffective for B2B marketing due simply because of its outdated practices-notably lumping all customers together and creating messaging that only works for the 3% of customers who are ready to buy right now. Essentially, wasting leads by missing out on engaging with customers who are not so far along in their buying decisions.

The results of this project show that Buyer Journey Mapping has direct and immediate benefits for lead generation, which provides a corresponding boost in revenues. By analysing customer needs and creating content directly resonating with those customers needs, the bank was able engage customers while steering them towards making purchases – all thanks to the quality and delivery of personalised content journeys.

Odyssiant has proven that it’s possible to use Buyer Journey Mapping for both generating qualified leads from existing customers and increasing the quality of the leads. But also, full marketing attribution is possible creating the ability to optimise the content and see improved customer satisfaction and increased customer insight.

By progressing customers through to marketing qualified lead status with “nudge” content, Odyssiant generated a 51% MQL conversion rate. This is compared to a control group of just 6% and an industry average of 3%.

As the leads were of a higher quality, with associated need data, the conversion rate on these leads was also higher – up by 28%.

All of this, of course, lead to an increase in revenues.

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