Can you create an omni-channel experience?

Omni channel experiences

In a recent survey, 74% of marketers said that a cohesive omni-channel experience was important (34% said it was very important).

We would all agree that there needs to be consistency in the brand experience across channels. Along with this, brands should interact with customers where they want. There is also evidence to suggest that a true omni-channel experience has a positive impact on the bottom line.

But the reality is far from this ideal. Why is that?

It is actually really hard.

  1. Often there is a lack of budget to do this work. Companies do customer journey mapping as a one-off exercise and then put on the shelf. And then, in terms of optimisation and ongoing management, they do not bring the journey to life.
  2. There is a lack of cross-platform data and customer recognition from one channel to the next.
  3. There is a lack of the skills and technology that support this work.

These issues need to be addressed for your omnichannel marketing to improve.

What you need:

  1. Content Mapping: The ability to design, create and map content to customer journeys agnostic of channel.
  2. Content Journey Personalisation: Allow the customer to “pick their own route” but a nudge AI will push them towards your goal through the journey.
  3. True real time journey analytics and interaction tracking across all channels: You need an omni-channel solution that can track events on any channel.
  4. Cross channel visualisation: A way to show all journeys flowing across all channels with the ability to filter against any chosen dimension. This would allow you to discover true customer journeys and optimise your content and journeys.

The good news, all of this is now possible. To get started on your omni-channel experience project, get in touch.

What you need:

  1. Content Mapping: The ability to design, create and map content to customer journeys agnostic of channel.
  2. Content Journey Personalisation: Allow the customer to “pick their own route” but a next-best-content AI will push them towards your goal through the journey.
  3. True real time journey analytics and interaction tracking across all channels: You need a channel agnostic solution that can track events on any channel.
  4. Cross channel visualisation: A way to show all journeys flowing across all channels with the ability to filter against any chosen dimension. This would allow you to discover true customer journeys and optimise your content and journeys.

The good news, all of this is now possible. To get started on your omni-channel experience project get in touch.

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